When you buy a new car under warranty, you may be wondering if you need to return to the dealership you bought it from each time your car needs auto maintenance and repairs to keep your warranty intact. Although this is a popular belief, it’s not entirely true! If you find a better price or service from a car garage in your local area, you can safely schedule car service without jeopardising your vehicle’s warranty.
By law, a car dealer is not allowed to force you to schedule regular car maintenance and repairs at their dealership for a warranty to remain valid. This means that you can go anywhere for your oil changes, new tyres or MOT testing. However, it is essential that the garage you book your auto repairs at documents everything for you. This ensures that if there is ever a query about where and when you serviced your vehicle for a claim, you’ll have the proper documentation needed to answer the question and provide appropriate evidence.
Here at Mechanic Man, we’re happy to service and repair cars under warranty. The professional team of auto mechanics at our car garage in Peterborough makes a point to record any work that’s done so you’re never without the information needed to make a claim. Plus, we make servicing your car convenient and hassle free! We service all makes and models and offer free follow-up work if needed. The Mechanic Man service centre team has a wealth of experience performing quality tyre rotations, brake service, battery replacements and complex engine repairs. We use high-quality main dealer diagnostic equipment and we’re easy to reach at 01733 797099. Call us today for affordable car maintenance and repairs – no job is too big or too small!